Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Drudge gets competition

CBS MarketWatch:
Matt Drudge has owned the online news/gossip/investigative reporting/scaremongering Web space for almost 10 years. That may be set to end Wednesday, as blog publisher Nick Denton is launching, a tabloid Web site for breaking news with attitude.

"Sploid is a news site with a tabloid mentality -- top stories up top, played big, as fast as they break," Denton said in an e-mail. "If there's a political line, it's anarcho-capitalist -- sniffing out hypocrisy and absurdity, whether from salon left or religious right."

Befitting with Web style, headlines on link to the full stories on other sites. In a preview this morning, little original reporting was evident, other than an editorial comment roasting CNN for being too "perky" in its Wednesday broadcast. Straight stories like "Halliburton Gets Billion-Dollar Payday" and "Iraq's Got a Prez" were accompanied by a sensational item, "Ms. Wheelchair Runner-Up Blasts Pageant."
I've been checking the site today and it's finally up. We'll see how long it lasts -- as Drudge told the Observer, the news is an exhausting, all-consuming business.

1 comment:

JNB said...

The site definitely has a tabloid look. I feel like I'm reading the Star. It just doesn't look serious- instead it looks like sensationalism. Are we going to see articles about alien babies and two headed boys also?