Friday, April 01, 2005

The Week

I saw an ad for this weekly. Have you seen it? It seems to be a Reader's Digest of news.

Google Unveils Upgraded Email Storage for Gmail Users!

"...starting today, we're beginning the roll-out of our new and top secret Infinity+1 storage plan. The key features are:

* Write, don't worry.
You want to stop caring about storage. We want to keep giving you more. Today, and beyond.

* The gift that keeps on giving.
1373.326442 megabytes of storage (and counting) for every user.

* No complicated equations. No tough algorithms.
Just this one graph:

Gmail turns 1 today. And we've always loved a good joke. We know we won't reach infinity, but check out what we will do ..."

Seriously, they did add rich-text support to Gmail.