Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Be Very Worried!

I guess it's time for another scare story to take our mind off UN scandals and the like! And of course we know who's fault all this is and who has to pay to change their evil ways. Even though I did note that it is Africa that the toll is the highest, it is still our fault, I'm sure.

HUMANS are damaging the planet at an unprecedented rate and increasing the risk of abrupt collapses in nature that could spur disease, deforestation or "dead zones" in the seas, an international report has found.

Funding for the study was provided by the Global Environment Facility, the United Nations Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation and the World Bank.

Minuteman Project

Have you heard about this? The plan is to watch the border from April 1-30.

The Minuteman Project is a grassroots effort to bring Americans to the defense of their homeland, similar to the way the original Minutemen from Massachusetts (and other U. S. colonies) did in the late 1700s. Like them, we want to bring to this effort only what few personal possessions we can our heart, mind and spirit.
This call for volunteers is not a call to arms, but a call to voices seeking a peaceful and respectable resolve to the chaotic neglect by members of our local, state and federal governments charged with applying U.S. immigration law.

Read all the way down the home page to see a breakdown of those involved. And the FAQ page is good too.

Michelle Malkin has a commentary on the ACLU's planned response to this. You can guess which side the ACLU is on!