Sunday, June 23, 2013

June 21-23

We drove all day today.  We did stop to put air in a tire and a nice young man named Dante offered to do it for us.

Palm trees in the Everglades

Even the cows like the little bit
of shade they offer
We spent the evening and night with Pat and May.  The next day after going to church with them we went out to eat and then Kelly and I drove home.  It was only 206 miles!
Joan, Kelly, May, Pat

Almost home! Ecoff Ave.
So in all we traveled 13,051 miles in 41 days and went through 31 states.  The best part was the great time we had together making memories

meeting new friends, 
seeing old friends, 
seeing new things,
 seeing things (like cows and dust) in new ways, 
exploring new places, 
learning about this country 
just having fun together.

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