Monday, June 06, 2005


"Exposing and examining those things which are connected to, and promoted by, the 'emerging church' movement."

Interesting read. The discussion in the comments of each post is pretty good from both 'sides'.


JNB said...

I liked Sven's comments and are you ScottB?

Sven: Your question above was how would you respond to postmodernism? I think the answer is pretty simple: just like the church has responded to every philosophical trend since its inception: by boldly declaring the Word of God and the truth of the Gospel.

I think the ECers (some of them) have a tendency to think that PoMo is somehow something unique historically that needs some radical new response. The Church has always faced this. The trend has been to respond to culture rather than to respond biblically. You could see the trend develop with the marketing techniques of the church growth and seeker sensitive movements.

The time we live in is, I surmise, not all that unique. I suspect that if we unpacked the philosophies of the Roman world of the 1st century AD (where tolerance, within limits, was a guiding principle) we would find a world very similar to the tolerant PoMo world (or post-PoMo) world of today. Thus, the church does not need to adapt and change like the ECers (and the CGM and seeker sensitive types before them) claim. Let's be Christians, biblically informed and ready to give a defense of the hope that lies within us. Watering the message down will not work that is a certainty.

JNB said...

I am now reading one of the papers footnoted on the 4 pg pdf.
"Dr. David Mills, professor at Cedarville College, has responded helpfully to one recent critique."

His pdf is 27 pages and appears well thought out. I am not even half way through it though.