Tuesday, June 21, 2005

...a couple of times since 2000

A brief sentence in an op-ed by Douglas Turner in the Buffalo News titled "Clinton's distrust of media runs deep" reveals another disparity in the media, though I don't think the author realized anyone would use this piece to make this point:
Clinton has met with the New York press corps only a couple of times since 2000. By contrast with the Moynihan regimen, where the reporters had a share in the agenda, Clinton totally controls it.

One technique is the "conference call" open to Washington reporters, and radio and television stations across the state. They are very brief, focused on an issue of her choosing. Sometimes she declines to take questions on any other topic, or closes off the session with a cheerful, "Gotta go."
Wait a second. Where have I heard this before about Hillary avoiding direct confrontation with the media? Oh yeah, never! That template has already been applied to Bush (the idiot)! But Hillary is the smartest woman in America -- what's her excuse?

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