Monday, June 20, 2005

Censored Nagasaki Bomb Story Found

George Weller, an American reporter, was the first foreigner who made it to Nagasaki immeditately post-atomic bomb. His account never made it past the censors, but now, sixty years later, a Japanese paper is running the story:
"The atomic bomb may be classified as a weapon capable of being used indiscriminately, but its use in Nagasaki was selective and proper and as merciful as such a gigantic force could be expected to be.

The following conclusions were made by the writer - as the first visitor to inspect the ruins - after an exhaustive, though still incomplete study of this wasteland of war...."
Read the rest in the Mainichi Daily News.

1 comment:

JNB said...

Thanks. Reading it reminded me of the Atomic Bomb Museum and Peace Park which we visited in Nagasaki. It was a sad but necessary way to end a bitter war. I hope it will never be used again.