Thursday, March 31, 2005

Neurologist Exam of Terri in 2002

This is a must read. It is the most extensive report on her condition that I have seen. And he had his examination of her videotaped.

1 comment:

JNB said...

Is it ever right to just accept injustice and not seek for change so this can't happen again? Am I to roll over and play dead because a court spoke and I am now "powerless"? Am I not obligated to find the truth when I can and work to spread the truth? The court spoke in the Dred Scott case too. And I'm glad some still worked to change a corrupt system. Maybe I am powerless in the sense that I am not a lawyer or judge, but I help elect representatives. So I stay informed so I can make wise decisions regarding those who will be making decisions for me in government. And then I also pray and seek the mind and heart of God before I make decisions.