This week I watched a video of part of a speech that Reagan gave in 1964 and it reminded me that truth doesn't change. With a few word changes this speech could be used today. Below is a short 4:34 minute excert of it. If you want to see the entire speech you can find it at Rightlinx.
Here is one short quote:" They call their policy 'accomodation' and they say if we'll only avoid any direct confrontation with the enemy, he'll forget his evil ways and learn to love us. All who oppose them are indicted as warmongers." Sound like today's democratic leaders, doesn't it?
If you do watch the entire speech you will discover my generation's fascination with this man. His combination of frankness, toughness and humor combined with his ability to write his own speeches (unlike most politicians today who have to be "handled" and are poll-driven) made him a spokesman for what was later termed the Silent Majority. We, the regular Joes of the United States who want plain spoken truth from our elected officials appreciate men like Ronald Reagan. (But trust me- I know he wasn't perfect)
I am also reading a long tome called "The Age of Reagan." It traces US history from 1964 - 1980. It is very fascinating and extremely well written. I am enjoying it immensely. It was written by Steven F Hayward and published in 2001.
And as a fitting ending, watch this tribute to Reagan's humor.
Have a great week!
Monday, March 26, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Growing Up
After all, who wants to stay the same age all their life. It may seem pleasant to think of having a youthful appearance, but what about the immaturity that goes with it? It has always seemed to me that a person is better off accepting how God has made them then by fighting it and trying to be something else. Also, I see each day is a gift and I don't mind looking as if I am well-gifted!
Isn't it funny how we are excited to see children growing up, but at some point we want the growing to stop?! Why can't we be excited to continue growing up even as adults? I don't consider that I will be grown up until I get to heaven. Until then there will always be things to learn and areas where I will be growing up.
So rejoice in your age (whatever it is) and remember that every day is a gift from God and an opportunity to learn more about Him and His goodness and His ways. And best of all, remember that you are still growing up!