Victor David Hanson writes an interesting article on the decline of all other political ideals when compared to ours- and globalization is bringing it about as people in other countries see our standards of living and can compare them with theirs. We may not be perfect, but we still give hope to much of the rest of the world.
And to go with this read a history of our relationships with the French.
And read David Brooks essay on how the EU is discrediting American Liberalsim.
Did you like the history piece? It seems we've never appreciated the French "decadence"
Just read an Opinion Journal piece that ends with :"Europe is now paying a high price for this failed experiment with welfare state socialism. Today's populist revolt against economic integration in France and Germany suggests that these nations remain mysteriously impervious to the need for change. A bigger mystery is why some American politicians are so intent on repeating Europe's mistakes."
Here's the link
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