Friday, February 11, 2005
Irritating Love
I read this today in World Magazine. It is by Andree Seu.
The Art of Propaganda: Nationalistic Themes in the Art of North Korea
"These images (and those on the sites linked to below) have been selected to demonstrate the major themes in the art of North Korea encountered by everyday people, including architecture, billboards and monuments, posters, and other art dedicated to the personality cults of the late Kim Il Sung and his son, Kim Jong Il, the current leader of North Korea. Also included are a few images of other everyday images of North Korea."
There are about 45 posters in all exhibited in this gallery.
Wired: Pollution May Feed Plankton
"A surprising chain of events and chemical reactions link a rise in air pollution over land to a decrease in a common greenhouse gas over the sea, announced researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology on Thursday.
The chain includes the participation of dust storms in the Gobi Desert, the buildup of harmful sulfur dioxide over coastal industrial zones, and a burst in the population of tiny plants in the sea known as phytoplankton, said the researchers. The end result is a decrease in atmospheric carbon dioxide, they said. Carbon dioxide contributes to global warming by preventing heat from escaping the atmosphere, the way the walls of a greenhouse prevent heat from escaping an enclosed space."
Wacko environmentalists just can't escape the bad news these days!
Intellectual Conservative Politics and Philosophy
I am also interested in the article titled In Support of a Stupid Chief Justice