Friday, March 04, 2005

What's Special About This Number?

0 is the additive identity.
1 is the multiplicative identity.
2 is the only even prime.
3 is the number of spatial dimensions we live in.
9988 is the number of prime knots with 13 crossings.
9995 has a square formed by inserting a block of digits inside itself.
9996 has a square formed by inserting a block of digits inside itself.
9999 is a Kaprekar number.

And everything in between! Very interesting!

Netscape Browser 8.0 Beta Goes Live

America Online's Netscape team has opened its doors to the public, releasing the first beta of the revived Netscape Web browser Based upon Firefox, Netscape version 8 focuses on security and protecting user privacy, and supports rendering with both Mozilla's Gecko and Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser engines.

Since this beta is based on Firefox 1.0, it has some vulnerabilities.

I've used it a bit here at work, and it's default interface is pretty busy, but seems to work just fine.