President Bush urged Americans on Monday to maintain their resolve in the face of terrorism, even as a poll suggested that last week's bombings in London rattled U.S. residents.The poll numbers don't matter -- Bush is doing what he has to -- but this should be a significant news item. So why is it buried way down in the last paragraph?
A USA TODAY/CNN/Gallup Poll taken after explosions rocked the British capital revealed a surge in U.S. anxiety that there will be further acts of terrorism at home...
...8 paragraphs later, at the end of the piece...
However, Bush's approval rating rose enough that more Americans now approve than disapprove of the job he's doing — 49% to 48% — for the first time since late May.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005
Americans expect attack, poll finds
...and by the way, if you read far enough down, the president's poll numbers are up: