Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Sorry if you are tired of my "human interest" links, but I thought this song was kind of spunky and cute- even if the guys are a bit underdressed for my tastes!
You can read the lyrics and a translation here.
To me, the lyrics underscore some truths about Japanese culture and thought patterns too. So make sure to scroll down to find the English translation.

Oh, and if you want to learn to do the moves, here's some cute stick figures to teach you!

Leaders call 'Emerging Church Movement' a threat to Gospel

A recently developed way of envisioning church known as the "Emerging Church Movement" deals carelessly with Scripture and compromises the Gospel, according to a prominent evangelical scholar and a Southern Baptist seminary president.

But Brian McLaren, one of the movement's leaders, told Baptist Press that such criticisms are unfounded and that the Emerging Church Movement is "seeking to be more faithful to Christ" in the current postmodern cultural context.

Naturally there is a wave of reaction in the blogosphere, so here are a few places to start: Andrew Jones has a response, and there is a discussion in the comments; more discussion can be found here...

Jackson Prays With Terri Schiavo's Parents

Corrected headline: "Issue brings Jackson, GOP Together". Oh, except that headline would never be seen in the MSM.

Schiavo to Undergo Autopsy to End Debate -- Lawyer

This should put the "He's trying to hide something" crowd to rest... it probably won't, though...
The husband of brain-damaged Florida woman Terri Schiavo has ordered an autopsy after she dies to silence allegations his plan to cremate her body is aimed at hiding something, his lawyer said on Monday.