Friday, February 18, 2005
Tyranny of Eminent Domain
Do you think the Supreme Court will take the private property rights side of this?
Bill Maher: Christians Have Neurological Disorder
Mr. Maher certainly isn't afraid to use his freedom of speech! If he was a conservative he would rightfully be called a bigot.
Why do you believe in one fairy tale and not the other? Just because adults told you it was true and they scared you into believing it, at pain of death, at pain of burning in hell.
What Is the Real Message of Yellow Ribbons on Cars?
Listen to Bob complain about a magnet! From NPR
Commentator Bob Sommer's son has just returned from a year in Iraq and knows intimately what it means to support our troops. But he finds yellow ribbon magnets on cars with the message "Support Our Troops" off-putting.