Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
You can watch the trailer at the URL above. The movie comes out April 29th.
Abstinence Education Works
Whoever coined the phrase "you can't argue with success" never ran into the folks who run the pro-abortion lobby... The fact is that many teens seek sex not because they are happy and successful, but because the opposite is true. Catching an STD or experiencing an unplanned pregnancy is no self-esteem booster.
ChoicePoint Break-in Leads to Identity Theft
Funny that it was a Nigerian that they caught. Wonder if there is a tie-in to all those Nigerian scam emails- Nah.
Here's more info from an article dated Feb. 18, 2005.
Here's more info from an article dated Feb. 18, 2005.
A Glacier is Growing!
In 2002, Greenpeace declared that Franz Josef was a "global warming casualty."
This year though, it is growing meters by the day.
This year though, it is growing meters by the day.
The Once and Future President
This article has too many odd quotes like hordes lined up outside the door, smoking cigarettes to keep warm to list them all. When you have time to read, this is worth it for the oddities.
Microsoft Plans New IE Browser
The last line tells us the real reason Microsoft is doing this.
Internet Explorer held a 90.3-percent share of U.S. browser usage at the middle of January, compared with a 95.5-percent share in mid-2004.
Looks like the free market is working again.
Internet Explorer held a 90.3-percent share of U.S. browser usage at the middle of January, compared with a 95.5-percent share in mid-2004.
Looks like the free market is working again.
The CBS Three Won’t Slink Off; Hiring Lawyers
"On Jan. 10, when the 224-page report on the investigation into CBS News’ 60 Minutes Wednesday memo scandal arrived, CBS president Leslie Moonves issued a statement dwelling on the failures of the employees involved in producing the disputed segment.
Prominent among the targets was executive producer Josh Howard. Mr. Howard, Mr. Moonves said, "did little to assert his role as the producer ultimately responsible for the broadcast and everything in it. This mistake dealt a tremendous blow to the credibility of 60 Minutes Wednesday and to CBS News in general."
The producer, he wrote, had been asked to resign, and the network was "taking a variety of actions to put this crisis behind us."
Five weeks later, the crisis is not yet behind Mr. Moonves. And far from resolving the problem of the network’s credibility, the independent report commissioned by CBS appears instead to be leading to a confrontation, with defenders of both the ousted CBS staffers involved in the debacle and top CBS management asserting two different truths from the same document.
Mr. Howard and two other ousted CBS staffers—his top deputy, Mary Murphy, and CBS News senior vice president Betsy West—haven’t resigned. And sources close to Mr. Howard said that before any resignation comes, the 23-year CBS News veteran is demanding that the network retract Mr. Moonves’ remarks, correct its official story line and ultimately clear his name."
The Thornburgh report was designed to make this problem go away, but unfortunately for Moonves, these three aren't gonna get swept under the rug. I think theymight be still in the old media mindset of "What difference does it make? We're the media, and we decide what people think!"
Prominent among the targets was executive producer Josh Howard. Mr. Howard, Mr. Moonves said, "did little to assert his role as the producer ultimately responsible for the broadcast and everything in it. This mistake dealt a tremendous blow to the credibility of 60 Minutes Wednesday and to CBS News in general."
The producer, he wrote, had been asked to resign, and the network was "taking a variety of actions to put this crisis behind us."
Five weeks later, the crisis is not yet behind Mr. Moonves. And far from resolving the problem of the network’s credibility, the independent report commissioned by CBS appears instead to be leading to a confrontation, with defenders of both the ousted CBS staffers involved in the debacle and top CBS management asserting two different truths from the same document.
Mr. Howard and two other ousted CBS staffers—his top deputy, Mary Murphy, and CBS News senior vice president Betsy West—haven’t resigned. And sources close to Mr. Howard said that before any resignation comes, the 23-year CBS News veteran is demanding that the network retract Mr. Moonves’ remarks, correct its official story line and ultimately clear his name."
The Thornburgh report was designed to make this problem go away, but unfortunately for Moonves, these three aren't gonna get swept under the rug. I think theymight be still in the old media mindset of "What difference does it make? We're the media, and we decide what people think!"