Thursday, April 21, 2005

Evangelicals and LDS seeking common ground

I'm not sure how far I could go to seek common ground with the Mormons. But if they believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, shouldn't we try, for the unity of the body?


JNB said...

Do a study. See what they really believe and how far it is from historic Biblical Christianity. It's one thing to say one believes in Jesus, but you must try the spirits. There are many out there who Satan would use to deceive the very elect. Remember, he clothes himself as an angel of light so don't be surprised that his ministers do also (2 Cor. 11:13-15).

JNB said...

I think Dad learned over the years that "proving" is not the best approach. Would you walk up to an animist and try to prove them wrong? No you would build a relationship, show the love of Christ, and share the good news! We have good news- why would we waste our time trying to get them to doubt their system? Doing that makes it appear that the decision is theirs to make, and if they were smart enough they would choose the right way. Hmm...that sounds a bit Arminian!