Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Keyes Daughter Comes Out

What is going on with so many conservative and Christian families?


JNB said...

That is true. But all I can think is that there is a problem in the family communication for this to happen, that is in a "conservative, Christian" family. One parent at least has to make the extreme effort of being there. Do you agree? After all communication is not just me giving out rules and punishments.

Maebee said...

yeah, but i also think that it doesn't matter how the parents raise the child- they are neither in control of their children's decisions, nor are they responsible for their sin. Also-why would it surprise us that satan would choose to attack "a conservative, christian family"? i mean, pastors, and christian leadership have been under extra attack form sexual sin (pornography, affairs, etc...) for, like, ever-i mean-King David? I don't think it's preventable with any level of parenting-if anything, the lack of acceptance of this child in sin would drive them away from what's right.

JNB said...

I agree that acceptance is a big issue. And the Keyes let their daughter down. And acceptance starts before the child brings up an issue like this. That's what I mean when I say communication is important.

Maebee said...

s true. ;-)